ADHD Medication, Testing Positive, and a CVS Haul: A Curious Journey

Okay, so I have went to C V S. And it’s not my normal C V S. Like the one where I buy all my plan b’s up. And my doctor prescribed me a new medication to try for ADHD. Nothing’s worked thus far, but I’m always willing to try. And I heard that this medication can make you test for stuff in line. I was a little. A little thirsty, so here’s my haul. I was a little thirsty and then I was like, dang, I need some pens, but not like a plethora of pens, so I just got like a two pack of pens. But then I heard that this medication that I’m on can make you test positive for like Las Drogas. And I’m not on anything, but I just want. I really do want to know. Just curious. Just curious. But then I was like, what if it doesn’t work now? So I got the Tupac, but then I was like, that probably looks suspicious cause I was checking out at the pharmacy and I got already was holding it. So I was like, that looks. I’m gonna look suspicious if I just like. You were like, should I give these to you? You know what I’m saying? And I. I have a lot of problems, but this is not one of them. And then. So I was like, alright, let me just like, shake him off my trail. Let me just shake it up. A little bit. Paternity test. I’m like, fuck it, get a try factor COVID test. So, long story short, if you need some, I got it. And I went next door and I got a Rocky Road ice cream for my embarrassment. You know, the updates on all my situations.