Fizzy Brownie Ice Cream Cupcakes: A Fun and Mess-Free Recipe

All right. So I have a regular muffin pan that I popped on some tin foil. I have my jumbo ice cream cups and I just place them in like that. Nice and sturdy. Once you have those set, you’re gonna grab a bowl, you’re gonna grab two eggs. Oh god, this is a bit messy. That’s so much more than a chef. And I think I am. Once you got that, you’re gonna go ahead and grab your preferred brownie mix. This is just milk chocolate, you know, pour that whole thing in there, bag and everything, stone and all right. So you’re gonna follow the box kind of. So three fourths cup oil, it calls for water. I add milk. So that’s three tablespoons of milk. And last but not least, this is a kind of little tip and trick.

So you’re gonna grab your soda water. If it’s lemon, probably better pop it open, take a refreshing sip, and you’re gonna do like a splash. That gas water is really gonna make it nice and fizzy and rise to the occasion. Okay? Okay. So we’re gonna mix that up.

All right, once that’s nice and mixed up, we are gonna grab a kind of easier pouring bowl situation. So we’re gonna move this over here. So once that’s nice and clean up, we’re gonna grab our little situation here and we’re gonna pour that brownie mix just till it gets to almost the top. You’re gonna pour it to about half. There you go.

Okay, so that one in the back is definitely gonna be a mess. I’m saying it now. I’m being held accountable. My fault. Sorry, guys. Sorry. I really gotta rid it up. I forget how much brownie rises. Okay, so in my head, but that spear, okay, I’m gonna do what I. Wow, that’s pretty mess free if you ask me.

All right, my oven is preheated to 350 and I’m gonna pop these in for 20 minutes. I will show you the next step now. Alright guys, they were in there for about 25 minutes. I let them cool off and let’s go to our next step. I’m so excited. So I have a very large straw from like a Boba straw. And what I’m gonna do now is I’m going to go right in the center of that brownie and push all the way down. All right. Last one. Perfect. All right.

Once all of those holes are ready to go, I have my melted white chocolate. You can use whatever chocolate you like, but I’m going for white chocolate. And we’re gonna fill her up just like that. Don’t worry about making a mess on the top. We’re gonna cover that. But basically, that’s all we’re doing is filling it up nice and to the rim. Oh my gosh, that one was like endless. Okay, go ahead with this one. Am I the next again? Oh my gosh, this is gonna be amazing. Okay, all the way to the top. Beautiful. Perfect. I think that one made like an air pocket, but we’re gonna leave it like that.

Okay, so once you got that set, next step is to cover and decorate. So obviously you can see what are we doing? We’re doing an ice cream cone. So we’re gonna make the ice cream. Alright, let’s hope that my piping skills have gotten better because I’m really still trying to figure that out. But I’m gonna go ahead and do a circle like so and make an ice cream. Okay. LA. Oh gosh, the little air pockets scare me. Alright, finisher up. Perfect. Alright, so I’m going to add some sprinkles. Just a few, nothing crazy. And we’re gonna drop them on there like that.

Oh, man, I really wish I had some Maricina cherries. That would have been like the pair. Perfect little topper, but that’s it. Okay. Oh my God. So cute. Okay, beautiful. All right. So now what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna just pop these in the fridge for about like 10 minutes so that all kind of gets hard. And then I’m gonna show you the inside. I’m so excited. Alright, there they are. Alright, now further ado, let’s get these bad boys out of here. Oh my God, these are so cute. Yeah, that looks so cute. Oh my gosh. Right now, perfect little handheld. Okay, look at that. Okay. Okay. So what I wanna do now is wanna cut one down the middle just so we can really see what’s going on. So I think I’m gonna cut that one. Okay, let me, can I move some things are the way ones over here so I can really get some work done. Okay, here we go. Let’s see. Alright.

Oh my God. So good. How good is that? Oh my gosh. Makes amazing time. Tick bite. Yeah, let’s do this. How do we, eh? Okay. Oh, so sweet. No, it’s so yummy and it’s so cute. It looks amazing. Oh, that is such a fun little like party favor. Well, good job. There you go.