Pandora Perfection: Celebrating International Dog Day with Rain and Snow

Hey, guys. So, in honour of International Dog Day, we are gonna be letting rain and snow pick out my charms to my new Pandora bracelet. Are you excited, rain? So these are the charms and bracelet Pandora sent me. Their jewelry is so beautiful and sparkly. I’m super excited that rain and snow are gonna help me customize it. Rain and snow were so ready to play the game and help me choose the charms I’ll be adding. I held out two hands in front of them so that they can pick the charms that we’re gonna be using for the bracelet. They did a great job helping me choose the charms because I literally love them all. This one says paw prints on my heart. It’s so cute. Next, I added an R for rain and an S for snow and these sparkling charms. After selecting the charms, I carefully added them one by one to my new bracelet. It is so gorgeous. And here’s the finished product. Thanks to Pandora for making International Dog Day special with my new customized bracelet with the help from my dogs.