Sun Wukong’s Unbeatable Power: The Ultimate Battle Against Kratos

Son Wukong versus Kratos and it’s not even close. And if you don’t know about Wukong, here’s a quick breakdown. First of all, Wukong is immortal in multiple different ways, so there’s nothing that Kratos could do to actually harm or kill him. Just one of the ways is that Wukong consumed an entire garden of heavenly peaches. Each peach grants the eater immortality. He also erased his name from the book of life and death. He cannot die. And you have been thinking, oh, Kratos has killed the immortals before, but one of Wu Kong’s other abilities is the fact that he can match the strength of whoever he’s fighting. But if that doesn’t convince you, one of his most broken abilities is his hair. You see, each of his individual hairs can transform into anything he wants. Basically, he could create another version of Kratos. He could just create another Kratos who would be just as strong as this Kratos. He could create 84,000 Kratos. But now you have a Wukong who’s just as strong as Kratos on top of the fact that he has another Kratos with him. And I’m not even mentioning Buddha. Wukong. How he transcends the reality of the world, it’s hard to accept. But there’s nothing Kratos is doing to Wukong. There’s absolutely nothing. But yeah. What do you guys think? Let me know what you guys think in the comments below, and don’t forget to follow for more peace!