3 Vital Steps to Boost Your Online Business Success: Insights from Paul Gillespie

breaking news guys this post is for people that are starting online business or people that are online but just not finding the success they want guys I have three points to touch on so please guys do me a favor and tap that screen and I think you’ll want to save this for later so you guys can go back to this so you’re not missing any of these steps so guys my name is Paul Gillespie and in late 2023 I ran into some really heavy financial problems like I had to beg my parents for money just to keep my house but I seen this on May 8th and everything changed for me I started my own digital online business but these three things will increase your views on TikTok and other platform No.1 guys definitely you gotta get out of your comfort zone guys in order to do anything in life of value you can’t be in your comfort zone and become successful you gotta test the waters get a little uncomfortable because by getting a little uncomfortable that will become your new comfort and you keep going and go No.2 guys I preaches all the time being coachable you gotta listen to people that are where you wanna be don’t listen to your your friends or your broke uncle guys cause they are the same place you are listen to people and strive forward and No. 3 guys pick your mentor wisely that is key guys you need to have a good mentor that will be there for you to help you through a lot of stuff especially at the beginning guys I offer free mentorship when someone gets in business and starts their business through me which helps me and my family I reciprocate by mentoring you and helping you with your family and making more sales so guys if you wanna learn more just type yes in the comments and I will gladly share this information with you know your