First Impressions and Unexpected Connections: A Dialogue Between Two Souls

Can everyone, Kiora? So we decided we get to ask quite a lot of questions about different things. The so we thought that what’s that he wants to be in the video, but we thought that we would actually both of us would write a few question, yeah, and would ask each other in the, put both of an atom on that question. So here’s our little container of.

Christians. Exactly.

So yeah, let’s get. Oh, excited. I’m excited, but bitter.

Exactly. But more personal without being too personal. And then I get to tissue at the same time to see if.

You know these answers. Now I’m just okay. Same with mine too. All right, fam. So I’ll give you the honors, my beautiful darling. So you choose, okay, you choose a.

Question. Alright, here we go. And.

You say him and my just sink down at 1:30 in the afternoon.

It’s cold outside of and my darling’s on a break from my heat. So.

Got it here. Oh, even if it wasn’t on a break, it’s super good. Alright.

What was your first thought of me when you made me?

If it’s so you, if it’s, you’re right. Look at it. That’s you.

Right? Be nice. Lol.

Oh, why are you. Cuz you’re about it. What was your first thought of me when you met me? So I go first.

Well, I ask Ellie. Sorry.

Okay. Well, so now I feel under pressure. I feel like if I don’t get a good, like I’ve give you a good answer, I might not get a good take. Cuz I know when you mad at me because my food doesn’t taste right. Like it’s actually.

Eva because you know.

No, I don’t have to say that much. It’s okay. Okay, okay. So what was your first thought of me? Of you? So my first thought of you, when, when, what do you mean? Like when I meet you or like.

Like when we meet, meet, like when you came to my class, to my boxing class, and then you thought it was someone else’s class but was mine, and then I was your trainer. That wasn’t the first time I met you guys. Yeah, that was the first time we spoke by being made, as we.

Know, snow wasn’t. Oh, hell. At the disk, at the gym. Did we talk? You was behind you. Kok yo band. Atau bila cinta wah gimana gimana moto oke waktu itu rasai www. What I thought for, cuz, that’s the question.

What was your first thought of me when you meet me? Okay. That’s what I thought. Because, hold on, I need to backtrack because she wanted to talk to me after my workout behind the desk at the jump, right? She was the personal trainer and another lady that was there and she’s telling me how she hates having hollow armpits.

Hello, I’m pets. I’m a big girl. I’m big born. I’m big bines. I’m big girl. Like I don’t got no hollow ampere. And this one’s like, yeah, you could hardly get a shaver in there. And I just thought, strange. Why would she think, yeah, okay, you know, so that was my first thought. And that’s just been honest. What was your first thought, okay, about me when you first meet me?

I don’t remember that encounter cuz I was obviously only worrying about my holder armpits.

I couldn’t believe.

My first thought when I meet her.


So this was after the my boxing class. She had finished and then we’re on the hallway and then we’re talking and then I thought to myself, she know who I am, but she wanna pretend like she don’t know who I am. And then she, who was she?

Mina was there some. Should I have known.

You? I was your. I was your teacher, your boxing teacher. How do.

You not know who I. Well, I knew then. But you weren’t supposed to protect us. Sorry, Carrie, this is your answer.

Thank you. And then she invited me to enjoy the royal wedding at her place, which I said no.

And we’re having a big fit party. Let’s just reiterate that. Yeah, wasn’t for no sit down and watch the wedding. It was just a celebrator.

Yeah, but that was my first thought. And then I was like, my end, I like her.

Oh my God.

I love your armpits now.

So there was your first four.

Was there like I was I okay, you know what account, be completely Frank. My first thought was, , just stand there, try and look real good and just impress her. That.

Was my, wow. I was just coming to try and lose some weight straight up. I was like, I’m on a cruise soon I gotta, you know.

Well, that’s going for those buffets on the cruise. That’s what happened. And, you know, I was just coming off my suckness. That’s why the other time she came, I wasn’t teaching cuz I was a bit sick. And so I was.

Like, I purposely didn’t come to your class. I know because I’m had heard that she was that way inclined and I didn’t wanna like teach you.

And I.

Just don’t really like to hang out with him. And.

Then when I actually see you come into my class, I was like, and I changed all my routine and everything to make it super hard. So you thought I was.

Super. It was hard is well, it was hard. And then she doesn’t really encourage me throughout the class. She told me to get close and go harder, and I was puffing. My effort. My the only one she’s turning off like, you know.

And then I was classic cuz I was like, Kaiser, oh, trade kind of I was showing off cuz I wanna to appreciate.

And there is, oh, what was your first thought of me when you met me?

That wasn’t. Yeah, I was like, I can’t say it on here, baby, cuz we’re.

PJ. Good. Keep a PJ. And those are our thoughts. Fire stuck around for the next questions.