Optimizing File Management with SharePoint and OneDrive: A Comprehensive Guide

If you have Sharepoint set up correctly, you should have to save almost nothing in your user 1 drive. You will still use the user 1 drive all of the time because that’s how you get it into File Explorer and that’s how you access it and that’s what everyone’s familiar with and people like that. No dramas at all. But when you’re using your user one drive through File Explorer, you should actually be opening, making, saving documents in one drive libraries that you’re just accessing through your user library. So you do that through the add shortcut to 1 drive button. So you go to where that cloud based storage is, add the shortcut to your user 1 drive and it will appear in your file Explorer. But you’re not saving it to your user 1 drive. You’re just accessing a public location through your user 1 drive. Hope that makes sense.