The Mysterious Adventures in Engineering: A Tale of Survival, Power Outages, and Unexpected Allies

Can you get me? I’m gonna cage buddy. I think he’s gonna try. What are you trying? When I die, I’m divorced here.

Sushi. hell. Losing my mind. Oh, no. mine.

Through administration. I have to go back down into engineering. that over. nice.


V. Oh, God. Oh, God. All good? Okay. Come on to the interaction. Break the luck. Good. Who should have? Sure.

Let me just stay here. Leave. Oh, joking me. Am I gonna have to jump on it? Because he told me too.

Yeah, good plan. Get up there.

Okay. I was like, what the does good awesome action. I’ve seen some. we’re not good. I get an old man. It wasn’t our breath that is just wanna make sure I couldn’t like at least crawl through there cuz I kind of just walk through that. I’m looking over nice guys. There we go. For sure. There we go. Exit engineering giveaway. Really? Yeah, both. Anyway.

Jesus, am I glad to make.

Sure I, you know.

Renec nearly had me. He’s changed. He’s vicious. He’s.

Changed much to me. Have you seen anybody else?

Brody? You sent me down here to restart the Janice.

Jenny as I, that’s where I was.

Headed. The lights are on.

Emergency battery system. No, there’s nobody hold for long. The biggest thing, a lot of damage. Infrastructure is compromised. Let’s just, bro.

So how do we get the Jenny’s working right?

Well, first thing, getting that cabin over there and reset the protective valley that make package and he’s back on. Go and see my hands.

Well, as long as Gabby isn’t here, right? Give me.

Oh, I’m clearly very good, eh? The protective. Really? And that carbon.

Yeah, but there’s no entrance in. Like, I can’t go in there. Miss, I miss you something. Am I going to read? Oh, I can. How to do that? Sheller’s way too small. Alright, sometimes you don’t die friendly. I’m okay.

I am beauty. Melissa works about. Tell felly.

Ben. Oh, I work by a charm. The generator must have trapped because they are fall somewhere.

I the relay will just keep reset until we fix it.

Generator manually right where you go then aster jobs here getting with the Jennies. Now find the fault.

What the was that?

I don’t know. They generate us a lot way.

I’m not good in now. Have you got.

A bad wreck? No, I will have did it. Thank you. I’d have some going there. I.

Will. You go then.

This dude’s me for real. I’m going over there. The Gabby. There’s a passageway here too. That means I’m gonna have the too many high like a so flash man. I hit . I know bridge. I’m a little bit Robert Table.

You should label is that I’m just gonna walk over there. It’s like asking a day. I have to walk over there. Donut idea.

Aren’t your own sense for Kiri? Oh, you know it’s me. He knows it’s me. You send my name. No, but what one new one. Jesus, don’t , man. And north to put an order. What the ? What’s the order? I don’t know the order. Accommodations. No, it’s not. It’s administration. Actually. Nice. Are you there? Right. And then attack. And then, but then I overcharge it.

Guys, are you there?

Sick. Leave me. No jump hurt at me.

It’s that pack. He’s having much handled by the senseman. I said we are in.

Business. We’ve gone for full power. The batteries descending. The dark where you are, but.

Getting the nasticious gonna help us is that just get that genuine of running at certain there for the key for it should be in there somewhere and I’ll be at here looking for the fault.

We’ll be looking up for a day as well, right?

Oh, key. So very lucky I was loose open this bad boy area.

Now what, guys, I can see me on the 4 ways exploring a fuse packing.

MUD handling. Oh, it’s not nowhere to dare if I get it to me. Thank you. My time limit. Thanks.

Jesus. Oh .

Can you get me? I’m gonna cage buddy. I think he’s gonna try. What are you trying?

You just need to. I don’t know. That’s literally like a way to him to get me. What the ? Fine.


Hey, buddy, could check it out.

Looks doing this. I stay here. He said, I see that.

Should I have to go?

Can you do it?

buddy. Yes. Okay. Really. Thank you. You run away slowly now.

Hang on. Do nothing. I’ll make a rough Regis in case, but you’re gonna do .

Let’s say Finley got nice brooding. I thought it was friendly with a light coming back on. What friendly was here? But we, you can separate. You’re right. I then I guess neither one. What’s on this thing? He kidding me? How long, telecassander, if we do nothing, you to come down to the pontos if we engage the tension when she’s in all four legs, we can buy some time. What’s the point? Turns here. Electricity. They sense. It’s a nightmare. You survive this long.

โหมันก็ไปซื้อของลูกเสือฟ้าสดๆทางธุรกิจใครจะทรงเดี๋ยวออฟเดอะมาช่วยเกียร์คิดเถอะอ้าวยี่เจ้าของรถไฟฟ้าจองอยู่ประยุทธ์ฟรี. ใช่ครับโลกเนี่ย.

ความรู้ๆไปได้ที่สะอาดหรือเชียร์เบสฟาสต์โดนเทรดมิน่าไอซ่าสวยไปเลยอายเมื่อเท่ๆอะไรที่เอ็นบี. And I’ll do the other hand. This is the right group. Don’t ferment. You need it all the way. I’ll give you a show over the Kano if we’re embassy.

I don’t know the way he speak. I don’t know if it’s just, maybe that’s the way he talks and he’s probably just processing it in that way. But he sounds like a little bit too carefree, in my opinion.