A Game of Contrast: Finding the Right Level of Challenge

Hi. I just like to return this game. Uh, yeah, sure. Anything wrong with it? Nah, it was. It was just too hard for me. Too hard? Yeah. After a long day, I wanna come home to a game that relaxes me, not stress me out anymore. You know what I mean? No, no, no, I get it. It’s such a shame. What do you mean? Oh no, it’s just when you walk into the store. I thought I was within the presence of a high value man. I’m sorry, you don’t even know me. I know exactly who you are. You’re just one of those lo fi loving Animal Crossing. Keep it casual gamer who’s afraid to commit, afraid to lock in. I thought you were built different. Look, I didn’t come to the store for you to slander my blueprints. I’m built just fine. The game just isn’t for me. You’re right. This game isn’t rated E for everyone’s. Rated M for those with massive balls filled with grit and resilience. You’re just not that guy. I am that guy. I just don’t get why people like those types of games. Of course you don’t. It’s not meant for you. It’s meant for those with patience and willpower. I do have patience and willpower. Those who know how to time the dodges. No one to attack. I’m precise and accurate. Those that get aroused at the face of a challenge. That when life gets hard is It’s hard. I am rock solid right now. And what are you gonna do about it? And you got nine days left on return policy.