Title: An Analysis of the Misunderstood Power of Wukong Compared to Kratos and Doom Guy

Do y’all hate Kratos and Dong guy or something? Like why have y’all been doing this since Wukong came out? Like he won’t do them both up at the same time. What are Kratos and Doom Guy gonna do the Wukong? Like, I’m. This is a genuine question. Y’all know that he got clones that can make clones that can also make clones that can also make clone like. And each one of these clones have multiple layers of immortality. Not to mention all the forms that he has in his bag that he can whoop their ass with. He can make. He can make versions of Kratos and don’t got to fight themselves and just watch they beat their ass. Like, is this more of a you’ve never looked into the journey of the west situation or are you just biased for both of these guys? Undeniably. Like a lot of people are talking because Kratos and Dong Guy have definitely in the last like 20 years at least for like America and mainstream stuff here. Um, they’ve had way, way, way more covers than Wukong or anything journey of the west related. So you know, like just like when I talked about the fan video, a lot of people like Wukong but no really know nothing about them. A lot of people talk smack on Wukong but don’t really know nothing about him. You just know about your favorite character. Is that this situation is going on here Cause why, once again, would y’all do that to Kratos? And don’t get