Puzzling through the Shadows: A Colorful Solution Journey

So then the final solution has to be me putting these in the lined areas then, right? Cuz that just didn’t work previously in the way that I wanted it to.

So once you get these all aligned, what do I do with the rest of this? Is the problem like you, what am I supposed to just, Pucci is somewhere in the kind of shadow realm like down there. I don’t know exactly how it’s supposed to go. I guess we can just kind of work through it, see if I can get these to fit in their little respective spots. I’m gonna go ahead and move a lot of this into somewhere else where I can easily see it. So, oh, I guess I can just put you there. So you go up here, then you just move all these. I can’t see. All right, you’re gonna go here. Little rocket shape guy goes here, this guy goes here, this big boy. Where do you go? Right here. No. Oh, you go here. Long, slender. I don’t see you. That’s another spot. Oh, I don’t see it. I don’t see it. You go here, though. All right. So I have 2 left.

Where could you possibly go?

I’m so confused. I’m so confused on what this final solution is. Okay, that’s right. That’s right. That’s right. That’s right. That’s right. That’s right.

That’s right. That’s right. Got it. You’re here. Just double check and see if anything is underneath these that needs to go.

See that would have to go down there, which means that would go there. But if that is there, it’s not underneath this. Oh, now it’s underneath it. So that’s fine. Where do you go, though? Where does this little guy go? Are you down here? You are down there.

But that doesn’t make any sense. Is it just like that? Then technically everything is in its little spot, but it doesn’t work this way. Why is this way more tricky than I anticipated? Okay, okay. Just gotta visualize it in my head. Just gotta see it in my head. What am I missing here, Shirley?

Surely these have to go on to the outlined pieces, right? Cuz we haven’t had that solution yet. And it works perfectly. It like slots into place like that. Tough to start this over. Should I? Okay, okay, okay, okay. Okay.

So, okay, they fit so perfectly though. Okay. We did the ink plots. That was a whole unique thing. Had nothing to do with the outlines.

We did just the outlines, sorry, just the shadow spacing, I guess you would call it, not anything to do with the actual outlines. So now logically it would make sense that I use the outlines and put everything in its little shadow spacing that I possibly can. Sounds good. Flip that back. Unless this is just supposed to go underneath.

I don’t know. I don’t know. I’m supposed to know cuz that one’s the outline right there. Cuz everything else is in a little spot. What do I do?

This one is really teasing my brain. I can feel you yelling. I can feel you typing away. And like, Jacob, are you serious right now? You’re doing this on Paris? No, I’m not. I swear I’m not. I’m doing my best.

I’m doing my best right now.

This is, this is, that’s not how it’s supposed to be. Okay, let’s just use the backgrounds. Yes, yes, done. Okay, what am I missing? What am I missing? Is there is there some kind of secret? There’s some kind of secret over here. So let me look at it again.

So for if we’re imagining all possibilities, I feel like I did the most complex one, which was the ink spots, the little ink bots. Do I wait? Am I supposed to somehow organize them by their color? Is that a thing? Surely that’s not a thing, right? Surely it’s not that simple, right?

Hold on. There’s a little brown leaf there.

Oh, oh, it is that simple. Cuz that’s why there’s the highlights. The biggest one of each color has its own little spot and then you just put these on top of it, right? Is that the solution? It better be the solution. No, wait a second. This feels right. This feels correct. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Okay. So I see.

Oh, okay. Can you go somewhere over here? Wait, what do I do? Where are useless? They go. This, this is, this is really killing me here. This is really getting me going cuz it perfectly imperfectly goes in the color placement too with each of these outlined. I wonder, is there like some other secret here with the, maybe with the ink blot? I’m losing my mind. I am losing of my mind cuz it’s, it is perfectly in line with all these colors. It’s exactly what we wanted, exactly what we came for. But then again, it’s not working. It is not working the way we want it to work. There’s also like one leaf, three leaf, multi leaf, not leaf. You know what I’m trying to say? Y’all know what I’m trying to say. But even that. Oh, it is just that. No, oh, no. I found the solution. But has it made me happier? I don’t think so. I see exactly what it is. Oh, it goes through all the colors of all. I’m in pain. I’m in pain. Okay, so next up is this one. So where do these other little guys go then? Oh, and they line out like that. No, wait, where do you go? Where do you actually go after yellow? It’s brown. Yes, right. Oh, oh, oh, oh, I get it. I get it now. Oh, that one’s so good. That one is so good. This one. They’re sneaky. They are sneaky. That is punishing. My goodness.