Oddity: The Scariest Film of 2024 – A Review by Horror Enthusiast Ricky

holy shit everybody is saying this is the scariest film from 2024 this is the scariest film of the year there’s a scene in this film that made something shrivel up and go inside of me this is the first part of the movie of the year to actually scare me now everyone saying that the scariest horror movie of 24 this is the scariest horror movie of 2024 so far and I watched it last night and I have some thoughts my name is Ricky I love horror movies and this is oddity so this movie was released this year and was directed by Damian McCarthy he is the guy that bought us one of my favourite horror movies caviar the movie centres around a woman called Darcy Darcy has a twin who lives in this house with her husband and Darcy’s sister Darcy’s twin is brutally unalived one night Darcy believes that she is psychic she works in a shop that sells oddities and she thinks that her sisters unaliving isn’t as simple as people are making out and she sets out to use her psychic abilities to prove this and seek revenge so I really really like this film I love Damian McCarthy I love caviar that’s one of my favourite horror film it’s very rare nowadays that you see a horror movie that is somewhat original the thing I love most about oddity is it feels original it feels fresh sure the storyline is somewhat similar to other films that we may have seen but oddity does it in a really original way now do I think that this is the scariest movie from 2024 so that’s a tricky question because 2024 has been a really excellent year for horror but I wouldn’t say that 2024 has produced the scariest films ever made is oddity one of the best horror films this year I personally don’t think so I think it’s a very very good horror film but the quality of horror we’ve had this year has been really up there so is oddity the scariest film from 2024 I think so but that’s because there hasn’t been many really scary films has been excellent films has been amazing horror films but none of them have been very very scary oddity is the only movie this year that I would consider an actually scary film a movie that has made me jump so in that regards yes people are telling the truth oddity is the scariest film from 2024 but it’s not the best horror film from 2024 quite similar to um Hellhouse LLC The Carmichael Manor that came out at the end of last year I believe and it was at the top of most people’s list as the scariest movie from last year but it certainly wasn’t the best movie from last year all it is very similar to that but it is a very good film and it’s a very scary film so if you wanna be spooked check all this out