ADC Upgrades and Nerfs: Revenant and Wraith Take Center Stage

I’m gonna need you guys to put some respect on these two characters. But the longest Revenant in Wraith have got his slander eyes and called bad and don’t play. But in the latest patch for pred, these guys got upgraded to new levels and that they can compete with other ADCs.

And what do I mean by that? Rave is receiving further improvements to the damage potential and scaling of his peekaboo. And knock knock, which is the Mark grenade and the actual shot that goes off, allowing him to stay a relevant threat in the mid game and better deal with bulkier targets that can easily shrug off his damage. They are increasing the Mark max health damage while decreasing the scaling, which is fine, is only by 1.5%. And the knock damage is increased and so is its bonus physical power scaling. So y’all a y’all could joke around, knock, knock, Bam, hit you for so much more now than ever. And for my boy Revenant, they are increasing the time between shots. While, yes, he still has four shots, but now the time in between those shots is a whole lot shorter now. So that means he’s gonna shoot faster. And then with my build I made on the channel, by the way, go watch that video cuz that’s a great video. His he’s gonna hit just as hard.

Oh my goodness, I’m so excited about revenue. I’m so excited about revenue too. Revenue is another carry struggling to find impact in many of his matches, heavily outcome and damage previously by many on hit carriers, which a lot of on hit carriers got a little nerve this patch where to go over that too. Other carries losing strain from around him via nerves and itemization adjustments, as well as further improvements to his attack speed and crit damage multiplier. Revenue of an easier time dishing out has damaged and remaining respectable thread in the 1 v 1 duels he favors the most, which is what he’s supposed to do. So what do they do then? They decrease the time in between his shots. So you have riveted like Bam, Bam. I’m pretty looking at the numbers at max level, it’ll be Bam reload. And with my build that I did, his reload is very quick. It’s like a point four point up away. It’s like a point eight reload speed. So he is going to be able to do way more damage than Sparrow Murdock into him blast. And his reload speed will be just as fast and so will the time between shots too. So revenue just got pumped and I’m super excited for it. That’s not it though. That’s not it.

They increase his critical strike damage modifier from 1:35,1:40,1:45,1:50,1:55,1:00,60 to 1 forty five. Oh my goodness. 45 off rip one forty five, 1:50, five 1:60,1:00,35 in one 70. He’s about to create for so much higher now. And I’m so excited cuz my boy revenue has been getting drunk through the MUD. I’m looking at you, ninja. You have been drugging Revent’s name through the MUD. He’s a bad EC. Well, not anymore, guys. Weather is a good AC now a part of thinking. But Sparrow, but Sparrow still a thing? Nope.

Sparrows enter fire, which is the ultimate, where she shoots the three bolts, her side arrows, the two that are not in the middle, they do less damage now. So she’s not wiping out whole teams. She has to focus on the one person that she wants to hit. And the side attacks don’t do as much damage anymore, which is a plus because she would melt whole teams. That is not the case anymore. I just wanna know they did not touch swim blast. So evidence you get to be the same old offline twin blast bully as you’ve always been. And they actually didn’t even touch Murdock either. So biggest to Murdock.

Now with that, a lot of the ADC items, as you can see, got nerfed. Like that’s like the majority of these couple of items is all ADC items. Attack speed is being reduced across several carry items due to it being overly efficient and contributing strongly to DPS curves, especially when paired with on head effects. Therefore, Dust Devil is receiving a decrease in the stat in return for less cost. So a lot of these carry items like dust devil that cost decrease, but the tax fee decrease too equal, not to tax fee decrease, but the recipe is different now. I don’t know. Lightning Hawk power increase the tax, we decrease this latest patch might just put ADCs at a flat equal surface where anybody, and I mean anybody, can pick it ADC and probably will end up doing good. Oh man, I’m so excited for his latest patch.