Untold Legends: The Case for a Treasure Planet Live-Action Adaptation

If I had to make a live action movie of Atlantis, Treasure Planet, or Black Cauldron, which one I’ll do? Well, first of all, Black Cauldron. I’m gonna eat that into the sun. I do not need a live action Black Cauldron movie. But also, admittedly, I’ve never seen Black Cauldron, Atlantis, or Treasure Planet. Atlantis would be a really, really cool live action adaptation. It’d be one that I 100% would welcome from Disney. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not always thrilled about every live action that Disney does. I’m excited to see them usually. I think there’s a lot of heart that goes into remaking those classics, so I always support them, but it doesn’t mean I want every project to be a live action adaptation. Atlantis would be one that I’d be super excited to see. I think it could be done super well. However. If I had to pick one of the three, I’m a 1,000% picking Treasure Planet to be a live action. That movie is one of the most underrated movies in all of Disney history. Nobody’s talking about it’s one of the most underrated animated and live action. If you put both categories together, it’s still one of the most underrated Disney movies. I want that movie to be a live action movie so, so badly. And let me tell you something, if you make that movie just PG thirteen, just give it a little bit more edge. It will Be one of the greatest movies of all time. I promise you. That story is so, so strong and still resonates. I watched it recently, so I know it still hits as an adult.