Chiropractic Care for Babies: RJ’s First Adjustment

We’re here with RJ. What’s hard being seven months old? You ever get angry when you get hungry? When was the last time you took a nap? All right, you ready to get adjusted, RJ? Is this tension in your back or is that just a poopy diaper? Feel like the midback’s a little locked up. All right, let’s do your first magic hug. You’re just gonna drop this head over for me. We’re gonna be nice and relaxed here. We’re gonna lean it over. Oh, alright, good one there. Alright, same thing here. I’m gonna drop the head down. Just one little thrust right here. Oh, you feel that one? We’re gonna do your elbow. Ready? Nice. Wrist. And you’re gonna feel just a little bit of pressure through the mid back here, right in that sore spot you’ve been having. Oh, got one. Nice. So lower back. Oh, don’t poop on me. Okay. Oh, alright, you ready for the decompression? And go ahead and strap in. All right, this is probably one of the hardest adjustments I’ve ever had to do. And we’re gonna go nice and relax here, okay? Breathe in. Gotcha. All right, how was it