Carnivore Crack: How to Make Homemade Beef Jerky

Carnivore crack. Let’s get someone to show you how to guys, make this. There are two ingredients in this. This one is a big old hunk of meat. And in this case, I’m using a chuck roast and then just some salt. In this case, I’m using some. Some red and real salt. You got a meat slicer. This is a best wood brand. So we’re gonna do is gonna take one of these big old hunks of meat loaded up in there, turn this bad boy on. So I’ve got about one and a half, which is, I think, about a 2 millimeter slices is what I’m gonna get out of this. I think that’s a pretty good thickness for what I’m trying to do here. So we’re just gonna start slicing away on this thing. You see how. How fast it goes? These are, you know, nice, thin little strips. Okay, here’s our big old pile of sliced beef. Okay, next I’m gonna do is I’m gonna lay these out on a drying rack here. So you’ll cover this whole rack up, this thinly sliced meat, and I’ll just pour it in my hand, then it’s gonna kind of. Kind of evenly distribute the salt on them, and we’ll go onto the dryer. we end up with six racks of that thinly sliced meat that’s been salted. We’re going to put it into the couscous food dehydrator at this preset for 150 degrees. I’m going To run it for about 10 hours. All right. Ten hours later, we made a bag about yay big, nice and crunchy. The fat gives it a really nice flavor. Just enough salt. Outstanding. These are kind of addictive, like crack cocaine. Might be for some people. But anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this.