Navigating the World of Mobile Bartending: From Startup Tips to Scaling Strategies

there are ton of people with a million questions about mobile bartending on this platform and let me tell you something when I started my business almost five years there was no such thing as TikTok or mobile bartending business coaches that wrote ebooks that had courses on a step by step plan on how to start and scale this business now there is social media so amazing now like I’ve seen mobile bartenders that have their business for one year come on this platform and teach other people how to do it or you have people like me that been around for many years that want to express or deliver that want to pass along their knowledge to other more season bartenders that wanna start or scale this business so there are really no excuses for those people that wanna get started other than LAZINESS because even if you don’t have the money to buy a 50 dollar ebook which to me is crazy because if you don’t have that then like what the are you doing starting a business but let’s say you don’t have any money right there is so much free valuable information on these platforms not only from me but from so many people and if you’re not using that to your advantage and you keep just asking basic questions like oh how do I get insurance when there are literally thousands of videos on fucking insurance on here then that just screams laziness because back then you literally Had to have to research by yourself and there was no one out there telling you this is what you have to do to start this is what you have to do next this is what you have to do this is what you have to do now no you literally had to wing it you have to do your own research this business was just starting out so like you know there wasn’t really a right or wrong answer there was a lot of mixed signals ha ha so the fact that you have access to all of this now and some people are still using it as an excuse that like they can start their business for whatever X and y reason I feel no pity for you