Name That Tune: A Nostalgic Journey Through Iconic Movie Soundtracks

Alright, I’ll play the song. You name the movie. You ready? Alright. Alright. Alright. 1985. Oh, Breakfast Club. Breakfast Club. Yeah. Okay, Sammy. Very quick. That was very fast, Sammy. I love this movie and the song. This movie rules. If you don’t like it, you’re a weirdo. Yeah, forget about me. Greg. Greg Gold. I’m gonna play the song. You name the movie. Um. Beverly Hills cop. Beverly Hills cop. Ha! Uh. Ghost. Ghost. Yes. Which movie is this one from? Mrs. Doubtfire. Boom! Nice. Anytime menace gets to do his, uh, Mrs. Doubtfire impression, it’s a good day. Hello. Yeah. Haha, I almost said the F word. Haha. Hmm. Nice. Alright. Uh. How about another E? Easy one for you. This is a huge soundtrack. Massive soundtrack. Is this Pretty Woman? Pretty Woman. Nice. Pretty Woman. Which I rewatched not too long ago. You did? Yeah. Yeah. Did you feel pretty? I did.