Dinosaur: A Heartwarming Journey of Survival and Unity

Next movie in my movie review series, where I’m watching movies, rating them, and doing an activity related to the movie. We’re watching Dinosaur. I’ve actually never seen this before. It’s probably pretty obvious what my activity is gonna be, but I figured I really need to watch this movie before the ride leaves. Animal Kingdom. Oh, no, that is not our dino. That poor egg. It’s in, like, the middle of nowhere now by itself. Oh, my gosh, she’s gonna throw him! Don’t do it! I can’t do it! They’re gonna adopt him. Well, now he’s big. Oh, he’s so cute. That’s not a good sign. Uh. Oh, that can’t be good. Oh, the fact that it’s silent. That’s not a good sign. That would be terrifying. Oh, my gosh, that’s so sad. Their whole island is gone. Oh, my gosh, that’s probably terrifying. He’s never seen dinosaurs before, and now there’s all these giant dinosaurs. He’s like, what the heck? You know, I think you should probably follow them if they’re all going that way for a reason. Oh, that’s so sad. Some of them just don’t make it. Oh, my gosh. Oh, those are the ones they need to be scared of. Hopefully there’s actually water on the other side of the mountain. That’s gonna be so sad if there’s not. And the moment of truth. Uh oh! Yikes! Oh, why is he being so mean? Oh, everyone’s getting aggressive about it. This guy’s a jerk. I Love that they’re all working together now and helping each other. This movie kind of makes me wanna watch land before time. I haven’t seen those movies in so long. They found water and green grass and leaves and trees. Oh, it’s so beautiful. He still wants to go help everybody else. He’s such a good person. I hope this guy actually listens to him cause he’s trying to help everybody. And he won’t drop his pride and let him help them. I don’t like Chrome. And now he’s gonna try and find them. Hey, the sister came in to help him. Yeah, they’re all following him. Uh oh, their little arms crack me up. Look at that. When you work together, teamwork got him! Her brother died though. I think he was kind of a jerk, but still sad. Oh well, now they can all start a new life in their new home. Until a meteor comes. But we don’t need to talk about that. Did they have babies? It looks just like me. That’s so cute. This is such a cute movie. I’d give it a solid 8 out of 10. Now let’s go to Animal Kingdom.