Creating Magical Movie Night Memories for Our Six Boys: A Celebration of Family and Fun

I’m about to transform this space into the ultimate movie night for our six boys aged 5 4, 4 4 4 and a 1 years old. When we agreed to having a big family, we agreed to just making other memories and the celebrations even bigger, rather than doing less just because we’re tired and over simulated. So here I am is showing up for them. They’re wondering what the heck mom is doing downstairs, while Brent is trying to keep them preoccupied upstairs. Boys, just let me work. It’s gonna be worth it. Okay, I’ve started the popcorn maker. I got this really cute balloon display going. I’ve got the t p’s built, the air mattresses built with the sheets on them, and then we’re gonna get the snacks going. I got everybody’s favorite candy, everybody’s favorite popcorn seasoning, and then they’re gonna be able to serve themselves the popcorn, because they think that is the most fun thing. And, hey, I can’t blame them. We’ve also got their current favourite drink, which is orange and Gatorade. So we’re filling up those boxes, and then I could not pass up these jelly beans. I thought they were the cutest things ever. I’m also not sure if we have enough candy, so I got these little movie boxes, and then Brent stuck down to help me with a few of the balloons and the string lights, and I’m obsessed with how everything it turned out. They’re so worthy of Celebration. Just because it’s not a special day. But they are special. So we’re gonna make it one. Okay? We’re going to enjoy this with the boys. But first, a few minutes with the two of us. Good night, y’all.