The New Giveaway Rules: Comment Keywords, Not ‘Hungry Man’ to Win!

Alright, so the giveaway rules have changed. It’s no more first person to comment hungry man, but now the first person to comment the keywords I have placed in the video. So for example, let’s say I use a word like fish. So I can make it this big or I can make it this small and I can put it here, I can put it here, I can put it here, here, anywhere I do I feel like. And the first person to see it and comment that keyword is the winner. So now you have to watch the full video to stand a chance to win that free shawarma. The giveaway only applies to my other accounts, so I’ll be mentioning it in the caption so that will be easier to find. And also this video is not part, this is just an example. So don’t come and comment fish, fish in the comment section. This will be the new format from now to September 14th. So good luck.