Twister and Twisters: Labor Day Weekend 40X Screening Extravaganza!

Hey everyone! So just a quick scheduling note for those who did not see. This coming weekend, Labor Day weekend, both twister and twisters will be showing in 40 X at select theaters nationwide in the US. I got tickets to see both. This is gonna be the first time I’ll be seeing twister. Never seen it before on the big screen. Had to take advantage of it. So the theater for twisters, the showing I’m in, is actually just about sold out. There’s like four seats, five seats left. So yeah, there’s gonna be a big crowd. I’m surprised because it’s been out since mid July, but I guess people were wanting to see it. 40 X by myself who did not get a chance to see it, and it was sold out like the whole six days that it was in scheduled for. So they’re bringing it back. So if you haven’t got your tickets yet, I would suggest getting them as soon as possible. You’re close to one of those theaters. It’s probably going to be well worth seeing in that experience. Looking forward to it. Can’t wait. Check back all Friday for videos and updates.