Lessons From a Tinker Toy House: The Dangers of Bathroom Carpeting

Are you thinking of doing something stupid like putting carpet in your bathroom, but no one around you has told you what a stupid idea that is? This video is for you. You may know that I live on a horse ranch. Well, the reason that we moved to this property is because it had, like, the best combination of. It had a house already on the property that we could live in while we spent all of our money building the barn and the ranch and all of that. The problem was, we realized that this was basically what I lovingly referred to as a tinker toy house. Like, the electric is terrible. I had to use my first book advance for my book, The Dabblers Guide to witchcraft to replace the entire roof because it just, like, collapsed under the rain one day. Like, all sorts of things are terrible. Water heater very nearly, like, collapsed through the floor because it was just solid, like, filled with mineral. I’ve had to rebuild the furnace part by part from scratch. Like, it’s basically a brand new furnace at this point. But possibly the worst part of all that I’m only just now financially able to fix is the floor, because whoever lived here before decided that they were going to put carpet in the house. Now I. I have pets and live on a horse ranch with so muddy boots and poop and pee and vomit and all of That are just, like, a daily part of our lives. So carpet is not something that I would choose for me, but I. I can live with it and vacuum it. I, I bought a carpet cleaner so that I could try to keep all the pet messes to just a minimum. But there’s only so much that you can do. The problem is, they decided to put the carpet everywhere, including the bathroom. There’s a reason you don’t do that. Let me show you. Do you see my giant crack? Do you see this giant crack? You may not be able to. Let me. Let me see if I. I’m not sure that I can, like, properly convey how bad this is. Like, one, there’s a giant hole here, but two, like, it, it, it’s collapsing underneath it. Like, it’s collapsing because there, there is, like, a duct system under here. Part of the HVAC is under here, and the condensation from the HVAC combined with the moisture of the bathroom just caused this whole thing to just, like, collapse. I’m holding this here so that you can maybe see that. It started to happen over here as well, which is where our bed normally is. So anyways, the. The carpet just got ripped up today. Um, and I. I’m using part of the advance from my next book, Dirty Box and the curse of the Foxfire, to replace the floors in the entire house. And I’m not gonna Have to deal with this anymore. But I just want you to know, if you were thinking of putting carpet in a bathroom. Don’t. Thank you. Goodbye.