Mastering Follow-Up: Transforming Negative Feedback into Praise through Weekly Update Emails

How I went from being not the greatest at follow up and getting some negative feedback from my boss to getting praise because I implemented this one thing and I’m gonna go through it and show you exactly how I do it I send this weekly update email kinda like a status report but I do it in a weekly update email one of my students was actually able to completely eliminate early Monday morning meetings because they started sending this every single week to their executive and their exact was like yeah we don’t need this Monday morning meeting anymore because she implemented this calendar items anything that I see sticking out on the calendar maybe there’s a big conflict or maybe there’s a work trip coming up that maybe I need some details for or just I wanna let them know and I’ll even do things like if I’m gonna be out of the office on certain dates or if I have to work remote on certain dates where I would typically be in the office I’ll put that in a note under the calendar for project updates I always do instead of sending one off emails letting my boss know the status of each of those projects I will send him an update in my weekly update email to let him know what the status is to let him know like hey this is what’s going on with this project um to let him know that an item was closed out for the project items it’s things that I have a lot of information to share and it’s not something that I would just wanna be a follow up item it’s something that maybe I have a lot of information that I actually want to share about this specific project in the follow up section this is where I will just put very quick note like if there was something that I was working on I just let him know that I was uh closed out um if there’s maybe something that I had asked him previously and he didn’t give me an answer for I’ll put that in the follow up section if he has asked me to order something I’ll just put it down there such and such has been ordered that doesn’t need a whole project update just kinda have to decide which section does your update go in if you want my full template library make sure you head to my store and start implementing