Decoding the Mystery of TikTok Movie Videos: Why Those Intrusive Watermarks Are Here to Stay

If you scroll on TikTok at 2 a. you probably experienced this but don’t understand why it’s happening. It feels illegal, but it might not be. Now these videos always have someone in the bottom left or right hand corner. Why are they always on these videos? Get them out of the way! I want to watch my movie! Well, here’s my theory of why they have to be that video. If you’ve never read the Community Guidelines, Terms and conditions, and privacy policy of TikTok, they are very clear when it comes to copyright protected material that they will deprioritize, take down, or demonetize content that is low quality or unoriginal content. The thing is, over the year TikTok has gotten a little bit more aggressive with taking his videos down. All you could use something called fair use. Fair use doctrine is something that is highly misunderstood. It’s very nuanced, and it’s not just slapping a label of like this video is fair use on a video that you’ve reproduced. One for one, the video itself has to be transformative. There are many ways you can do that, but if you change how it looks and say something over the video, apparently it doesn’t trigger TikTok system to automatically take down the video. TikTok deems it a transformative work. What fascinates me though is these videos probably don’t even fall under fair use. But does it? That’s probably a question for an attorney or a legal scholar. But let me know what y’all think about this. Do y’all watch movies on TikTok