Rockin’ and Cleanin’: A Musical Guide to Household Chores

Rock! Oh, this is my jam. Stop it. Cleaning while listening to this song. Get me to do anything. I’ll be steaming your oven. I’ll steam you we got the sink. Wow. What just went in the middle of the sink. We’re now steaming the fridge. This is gonna get a lot of sexy attention. I’m just saying. You’re walking around steaming to this song. Oh, we got the replacement. Smelly. This is a nice apartment. Cutting some. We know the lemon water trick. Trick. It makes the whole house smell lovely. We’re hoovering the sofa. We’re so bad in the carpet. Spinning the mop. Oi! This is. This is sexy, this video, you know? And to this song. We got some incense burning. Sorry. Back to the video. So the cleaning inside the bar, why? That’s. This is a nice apartment. And look at that aesthetic, the intricacy of it. Oh, yeah.