Ultimate Powerhouse: A Deep Dive into the Seven RTX 4090s Overclocked System with AMD Threadripper Pro

This has seven RTX 4090s overclockers. UK and Asus have come together to build a serious system. This has seven RTX 4090s and they’re being cooled by the very slim Nexus single slot coolers. There are three power supplies in here, the two RG Thor 16 watt Titanium, as well as one fans X Revolt X small form factor, 12 Watt. This also has the AMD Threadripper Pro 79 95WX. That is 96 cores and boost of 4.5 gigahertz on all cores. Now the RAM, that’s something special. 512 gigabytes of Kingston DDR five RAM. And there are our dims. And these are 50 600 mega transfers and housing. This is one of my favorite cases, the Lean Lee V3000WX. So what’s the first game or application you would run on a system like this?