Surviving the Saw 4 Scalp Seat: An Analysis of Officer Rig’s Choices

Welcome to saw traps that I would survive because I have at least two brain cells to rub together. And today we’re talking about the scalp seat from saw 4. Let’s get into it. This is how the trap works. Basically, this lady is strapped to a chair, and jigsaw has taken her hair and interwoven it through all of these turning gears. If she does not stop the machine in time, it’s going to completely rip her scalp off of her head. Now she can’t do anything about this. It’s up to Officer Rig to save her. Officer Rig tries a bunch of things to help her. He tries shooting the machine. He tries jamming the gears. We then see Officer Rig go through a bunch of rooms in his house, opening up every drawer he can find. He’s trying to find a knife, a piece of glass, anything, in order to cut her hair so it can actually take it out of the machine. Unfortunately, he’s not able to find anything, but he does eventually stop the machine, but her scalp is already halfway ripped off at this point. A very easy solution to this, the thing that gives them their trap instructions, is a TV. Officer Rig could have shot at the TV or just broken the TV and gotten a piece of glass from the TV and use that to cut her hair to get her out of the machine. Like, it’s so simple. I can’t Believe he didn’t think to do this