Personalized Voice Recognition Feature: The Key to a Quieter Household

basically I’m here I’m in my room I’m chilling and my mum’s calling for me but I’m on notes cancellation and then my mum’s like hey SAF saf and I’m like nah I mean I didn’t say it maybe you guys should like add a feature where you can train your phone or like your AirPods to hear a phrase like SAF saf and if it hears it out once it’ll be out here we detected it we ain’t gonna do nothing hear it twice okay hear it three times turn on transparency you can take the feature for free if you implement it I’mma take that 10% off low key that would be like really useful like only for certain people though like if you know you live in a house with a certain person you can train it to have that voice low key I’m cooking I’m I’m apple employ me I’m a computer science guy I’m a it guy I don’t know maybe but that’s the feature I thought of like before I got like shouted out like hey you can’t hear me like I couldn’t hear you and I’m