Time Out: An Adam Sandler Wackadoo Comedy

I’m making this hilarious new comedy starring Adam Sandler Cool what’s it about it’s about this dad he has two kids and a wife and he ends up finding this remote that can help him pause time what high jinx is he gonna get into there are definitely some shenanigans that happen what else happens so the remote can skip forward in time so he doesn’t have to deal with like mundane things like getting a cold or having an argument with his wife hey I got a wife at home I need that remote ha ha ha but then he skips forward too much in time I can’t wait to hear the funny thing that happens next he starts to miss key moments in his life he fast forwards too much and all of a sudden his kids are a little bit older and he’s having problems with his wife and their dog died didn’t you say this is a comedy and then the remote starts tweaking out and it starts fast forwarding him in time without him doing it and then all of a sudden cut to his wife has left him uh for another man this is like really sad and then we fast forward to his death where he’s dying on the ground in the rain outside of a hospital with his family and his kids just watching over him crying so you’re definitely gonna market this as a as a dramedy right no we’re just gonna market this as a comedy just a straight up Adam Sandler wackadoo