Samsung Introduces AI Wallpaper Feature for Smart Refrigerators: A Revolutionary Step in Smart Home Technology

Samsung will not be outdone in the AI game they’re bringing some very new exciting features to that Bixby thing that most people ignore on their phones and they’re bringing it to their most under utilized series of products they’re smart devices devices devices uh I said word I’m going to go with it and one such smart device of course is there refrigerator range that’s right they are going to start bringing AI features to your refrigerator now the question is what could they possibly do in order to bring AI to your refrigerator and you’ve probably guessed it already the answer is AI wallpaper you will be able to type something into your smart fridge and have it via text prompt generate a custom wallpaper for the background of your smart fridge and yes I can confirm what you’re now wondering this means your smart fridge will definitely have to be connected to Wi Fi