Perfect 10 Albums: Personal Stories and Musical Gems from Charlie Bliss

Hey, we’re Charlie Bliss, and these are our perfect 10 albums. My perfect 10 album would definitely be the Execution of all things by Rilo Kiley. It’s one of the first albums I ever fell in love with by the first band that really felt like a band that was mine, like, not something my whole family loved. It was like, my favorite band. I feel like so much of who I am as a songwriter and a lyricist comes from this album. One of the most, like, god tier lyrics ever comes from Better Son or daughter, which is a song on this album that is absolutely Perfect. Jenny Lewis Forever Perfect 10. My Perfect 10 album is Figure 8 by Elliott Smith. It’s an album that is so eclectic and contains so many different emotions and sonic references, but still feels, like, so intimate and confessional and feels like you can really, like, take ownership of it, which is a really beautiful feeling, especially, like, when you’re younger, which is when I first heard the record. It’s important to me, and I also think objectively, it is just, like, a tremendous collection of songs. My Perfect 10 would be riot by Paramore. Um, I love this album when it came out. I love it still today. It is just one of the best pop punk albums of all time. My daughter fell in love with it over the pandemic, and we listened to nothing but Paramore for about Two months, and it made me fall in love with it all over again. Just a classic. My perfect 10 is Bittersweet Orca by Dirty Projectors. I feel like this is totally singular record, and it’s complex, but also really Poppy and catchy and fun. It’s hard to imagine another band making a record like this. I just think every song is so good.