Confusing but Fascinating: My Observations from a Trip to Italy

okay random now things are confused me when I first went to Italy part a million that you can’t wear flip flops like unless you’re at the beach apparently it’s like not normal to wear flip flops when it’s hot out the trash like this little trash thing if I do you to take your trash out of your house and like drop it and how much they sort their trash like I know it’s good for the environment but like they have so many different trash cans organic recycling and the driving zone like informed you can only drive into the city at a certain time which is crazy like if you live in the city center you can’t drive in like there’s literally times when you can drive to your apartment like only taxes are allowed inside the city center at all hours of the day times the bus just doesn’t show up like it just decides not to come and Margo stuff literally for like 3 weeks in August they have to take time off like forced to take 3 weeks off and everything’s closed all the shops are closed