Unlocking the Ultimate Student Guide to Smart Trip Adventures in Florence

Okay, I studied running flints about two years ago, and this is the biggest hack. So there’s this company called Smart Trip that not only do they do weekend trips, day trips and wine tasting. Also, if you’re studying running flints and you don’t do a wine tasting, and this one’s, like, by far the best because you get hammered. But they also have free events in the city. There’s a free food crawlers, free coffee day. And then there’s also events like Monday, Pregame Tuesday, like family dinner, and it’s 20 euros. You get bottomless wine, pasta and a dessert and an appetizer. And then Wednesday is music bingo. And you can literally win free trips, discounts on trips, or win a free bottle of wine. And it’s at Red Garter. And honestly, so our trip is just so nice because you get to meet so many other students sitting around in Florence. If you want to go on any weekend trips, day trips, anything, or need recommendations, DM me on Instagram and you can use code party for a discount. See you soon!