Foundations of Health and Performance: The Importance of Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, and Light

What are some things that we think we know that we don’t about our health? Our nutrition, exercise, sleep is the foundation of our mental health and physical health and of course by extension performance in any endeavour. This one is the fundamental. Light. Try and get a bit more light, especially sunlight, early in the day and throughout the day. Every mental health condition that we are aware of is made better through these simple zero cost adjustments to our interactions with light. And that’s because it sits at the foundation of our wiring of our nervous system. And I think the best exercise regimen has this translation into real world activities. Three days a week of cardiovascular training, two or three hours per week of resistance training. One of the best ways to get and stay in excellent shape is to make sure that you do not get injured. One of the major ways that people get hurt is a friend invites you to try a workout. Nutrition. Key principle that emerges from all of it that everyone seems to agree on, which is 75% or more of your food intake from non processed or minimally processed foods. It sets you up to eat foods that have macronutrients, of course protein, fat and carbohydrates, but also micronutrients that you need and that generally tend to be pretty filling compared to more processed versions of those things.