Uncovering Hidden Treasure: The Value of Offset Printing Errors on Currency Bills

I saved all my tips for the last eight months. Eight months of saving her tips. She got over $4,000. And that’s really good. But you could be missing out on something that makes this worth so much more. When all of these bills are printed, there’s an error that would make any denomination a lot more valuable. Save this so you can check yours. Take any of your cash and just see if you can see the front through the back or the back through the front. This is a perfect example right here. Look, you can clearly see the front of the Bill on the back. Hundred and thirty dollars. And look, this is an extremely rare. Look at all these people making gigantic amounts of money on these exact errors. It even happens on the older bills. That’s an old 10. And you can see the back on the front over $200. That is called an offset printing error.