The iPhone Monopoly: How Tech Trends Influence Cell Phone Design and Consumer Choices

What kind of monopoly does iPhone have on the cell phone industry, making it that every phone that comes out sorta kinda has to look like it? And before you tell me this exists, I know it’s a little too boy techy for me. I don’t want it. As of right now, I’m so bored with my phone, but I feel like there are no other alternatives and I’m being bread crumb to death. Let’s not forget Heineken releasing a dumb phone to remind us of our impending divorce. I know limerence is dangerous, but I miss when phones used to look cool. I love not having the same phone as everyone else. And I loved closing my phone and letting that just be the end of the day. And yes, I know this exists, but I do not want to deal with that crease in the middle. And I don’t want to deal with convincing myself that green bubbles are okay, even though society is telling me that it’s not. But for the best offer, I might.