Get Free Samples and Workouts with Gorilla Mind – Use Code ZMF!

Hello! Free stuff for you for the next week or so until I run out of supplies, I’m gonna send you guys free samples. You guys know gorilla? Here is my deal at Gorilla Mind, if you use code ZMF, you spend over 100 bucks, you get free shipping. You can redeem a free workout for me. I have 6. The new thing is I’ll send you a free sample as well. So your Gorilla Mind Protein sample, ZMF Shield Guest pass, Iron Family, and a ZMF sticker. So you get a free workout from Ziggler That is my coaching website. Free sample, free stickers from me as well. All you have to do is go to gorilla, use code ZMF, spend over $100, send me that receipt just like you would for your free workout. Cause you’re still getting that too. And then you are in. Well, one other thing. You have to subscribe to the Zoolander Monster YouTube channel. They give me a hard time over here, and we’re putting great content out over there. So if you could like this tag, repost. All that stuff helps the algorithm helps push back against the TikTok being mad at me about that. But I got your back. Good luck while supplies last. I have a lot of supplies. I hope you enjoy your gorilla mind stuff, your free samples, your free workouts and your stickers. Put them on everything.