Dave’s Top Picks: New York Neighborhood Pizza Spots and Go-To Slices

Alright, Dave, when people show up at the festival, what are your three favorite New York neighborhood pizza spots? First of all, impossible question, but I’ll give you the three, and I don’t want to cause a fistfight. John’s, the bleaker, um, Lukoli and Luigi’s. Those would be three that are all up there. And they’re all gonna be at the festival. All gonna be at the festival. Cannot wait. And in each of those spots, what’s your favorite go to slice? So I’m a cheese guy. Gold medal slice. Perfect for the Olympics. But, uh, that’s what you go judge everything else by. People like Pepe’s will have like a white clam. I do sue cheese. If I’m. If I’m off the clock, then I’ll do peppers and onions. But just cheese is what I go everywhere.