Life as a Teacher: A Day in PD, Classroom Decorations, and Musings on Music and Perception

Good morning, girls. It is day 7 of PD. Last night was a full moon, so that’s how I’m doing haha. I am excited though. Today, finally. I plan to stay late today so I can, like, get a good chunk of, like, my classroom together. One eternity later. It’s 5:00. Actually 5:10. I really have been fighting with my, um, bulletin board all afternoon, y’all. I ain’t got it in me today. Drained me the bullets and board. Drained me bullets and board 1 Miss Duma 0. We’ll try again tomorrow cause we’ve been in PDS for last seven days, really, and not really had time to, like, decorate our classrooms. We have a part 1 and part 2 of a classroom routines, procedures. And then we have student culture systems are, like, point system are, uh, incentive system. And then from 1:45 to that says 3:30, 3:15, we have DINA, student referrals and effective restorative conversations. PD like, close the loop PD then we have additional practice for culture systems from 3:30 to 4:00 o’clock, and then from 4:00 o’clock to 4:30, we have our family orientation overview. And family orientation is tomorrow. Usually drink a protein shake in the morning, but I’m legitimately so tired that I’d like, just had to chug a water and get straight to the coffee and I woke up. I’m like, why am I so tired? Today there was a lot of sitting and listening, which is exhausting. Contrary to popular belief, Plus, looked at my cycle cycle tracker. Definitely about to get a visitor. Honestly, this all. This all reminds me of this one time toward the end of the year, my principal calls me to her office, and she’s like, are you okay? Like, you have been acting like yourself. You’re a little bit more, like, less patient than usual, yada, yada, yada. And I look her dead in her face. I look this lady dead in her face, and I go, well, the moon is in Aries. Haha, I was being so serious, too. She gave me the blankest stare, and she was like, no, seriously, be for real. And I was like, no, for real, I am. Haha. I need music. Um, I love Amy Winehouse. I do. I don’t want to disrespect her legacy, but, like, not this morning. Okay, let’s see satellites by Beyonce. No. Okay, we can work with this. We can work with this. We can work with this. I’m actually going to this concert next Friday. Okay, then. Now Kings of Leon is on. Really hate when shuffle be playing with me. I’m never gonna skip this song. This feels like a very chaotic get ready with me. Like, I don’t think I’ve stayed on topic once. I don’t even know what the topic is. And Ruby comes home today. I’m so excited to see him. This actually is appropriate. I do need the power of the Lord right now. I don’t care. What you say gospel music is one of the best genres of music, period. Okay, this is not my morning pump up playlist. This is honestly just shuffle being in charge, and, well, we’re seeing sometimes it hits. You know what I miss most about the south? As a girl from Florida, and as somebody who lived in Atlanta for almost eight years, church culture in the north is just not the same as church culture in the south. I think to get this, the nearest experience like this, I’d have to go to Philly. Oops. I’m so sorry, but I’m not gonna be able to do it. Do you hear that? This is actually a very good representation of my music library. It’s really all over the place. I do love this song. I was talking to my co worker yesterday, and she was like, when I first met you, I did not understand why you were so giggly and so social. And honestly, that was like, a piece of information that I really needed on, like, how I’m perceived by people. I love being social. And, like, when you first meet me, I am very. Just like, hi. I think that’s literally, like, church girl, church usher. But I think that makes people perceive me as, like, very green. But I really needed that.