Baking Adventures with Bountiful Beulah: Day 7 of Sourdough Starter and Pancake Recipe

Good morning. It is day 7 of making our sourdough starter. And let me tell you, my starter completely overflowed last night, and she is very active. Kind of think I need to change her name to beulah. I like that one. Today she looks like bountiful beulah more than ethel. Ha ha! I love hearing some of y’all’s names. Dang, she got hard. Okay, look at that. That is an active starter, y’all. Beautiful. So I’m so excited because today, instead of discarding, we are going to make pancakes. Our very first recipe with bountiful Beulah. So what I’m gonna do, and also I’m gonna transfer her to a bowl so it’s easier to feed her from now on out. So every day since starting your starter, you have been used feeding it with 1 cup flour and 1/2 cup water. Well, now that she’s active and ready to go, I change it just a little bit. I do one cup flour, but I do three fourth cup water. So a lot of recipes that use sourdough, a lot of sourdough recipes will use 100% hydration starter. And what that simply means is equal weights. A flour, water, and starter. So way back years ago, I was like, that’s too complicated. I’m not weighing anything. I don’t have time for this. So I just went ahead and weighed it, and now it was. I weighed the flour. One cup flour weighs basically the same as three, fourth cup water. So I just go with that. I don’t worry about pulling my skills out every time. I just go with one cup water. I mean, three. Fourth cup water, one cup flour. I’m confusing myself and y’all. Okay. Anyway, it’s so simple, and I don’t weigh my starter every time. I just use it, and then whatever is left, I feed it. So keeping it super simple. So what we’re gonna do is make sourdough pancakes, and I’m gonna link the recipe. It’s on my blog. I have it printed out right here. But it takes one cup sourdough starter. So we’re gonna go ahead and put that in here and let me see. Oh, she is so beautiful and active. My goodness. I hope all of y’alls are this active, too. But let me tell you, if it’s not, if your starter is not this active yet, it’s okay. It just simply means maybe she needs another day. Maybe she needs two more days. And that’s okay. It does not mean that you did anything wrong. It could have been the temperature. It could have just been. For whatever reason, she just needs another day or two, and you will be having the same results. I will say starter and sourdough in general does, like, warmer temperatures, like 70 degrees or warmer. So I found if that’s not the case, in your kitchen, you can, like, don’t set it on your cold counter. Set it on top of it. Of a pot holder or set it on your oven burner. Not don’t turn it on cause that will kill it, but just like to get it up off the cold surface so it’s a little bit warmer. So there we go. This is for our pancakes. One cup. And then I’m gonna transfer the rest of the starter to a bowl and we’re gonna feed it in here. So much easier. And you’ll see like I do not have a lot of starter left. But it’s okay because it grows so fast. And before you know it, you’ll have so much discard, you really won’t know what to do with it all. So if you know that you’re not gonna be baking with it for a couple days, just go ahead and feed it and then pop it in the fridge. I’m gonna call that good. I have that much starter in there. And I’m going to add 1 cup flour and three fourth cup water. I have this handy little measuring cup set from the Pioneer Woman. It’s at Walmart. And it actually has a three fourth cup measuring cup. That’s usually not the case, but it is. Alright. Now I’m just gonna stir it up and there we go. You see, it’s not quite as thick as it has been while we were making the starter. And I like to mix them up really good and smooth. Almost beat it. Look at that. Miss Beulah, welcome to My kitchen. Okay, I still have my starter, Nelly, that I made over seven years ago, and she is doing fabulous. But for the sake of this and for all of y’all, I’m going to be making sourdough recipes with my new starter so that y’all can see the results I get with a brand new starter, just like y’all are using. And then. But trust me, I’m keeping Nelly. I’m feeding her, I’m taking good care of her, because I am not gonna let her go after seven years. Um, but here’s Beulah. Let’s see what we can do with her.