Maximizing Money: A Financial Coach’s Perspective

I’ve done a money MOT for a couple today they earn a really good amount but they haven’t really sat down and thought about how they want to invest for their future so we went through all their costs all their income all their bonuses rses that sort of thing and looked at what they want to do to maximize money today and what they want in the future it was interesting with couples because sometimes they don’t talk to each other about money and then they make assumptions about what the other person wants it can be really helpful to have someone impartial to speak and ask questions and people can be open can also be quite emotional because you’re talking about something that’s quite personal this couple happened to both be earning a good amount each so it’s very equal in the household but when there tends to be a difference I always get each couple to think about what the other contributes to the household in a non monetary way because it’s so important particularly when one person passes on maternity leave to think about how the person is contributing in a non monetary way money is obviously one thing but how we are in the household and how we show up to our relationship is something else I’m Philly I’m a financial coach I’ve been working both mansions since 2,011 and I love helping people get clear with their money