Impromptu Wedding Photographer Chronicles: From Last-Minute Rescue to Unexpected Delights

I was scrolling on Facebook this morning, and I saw a bride post in our local community group that she was looking for a photographer last minute because hers was literally arrested last night. So, of course, I offered to do it for $100, and my roommate was nice enough to let me borrow her camera gear, which I do have to figure out how to operate, but how hard could it be? I mean, seriously, it’s literally pressing a button. So here I am packing it up. I have a low tire, but that’s okay, because I guess I’m making a hundred bucks today, so maybe that will fix it. On the way to the wedding, I did listen to a photographer podcast, so I think that makes me slightly more qualified, actually. I was so confused when I first got there. The bride walked up to me with, like, a bunch of stuff, and I was like, oh, do you need me to take that to your car? And she was like, no, these are the details. And I was like, oh, yeah, totally. Okay, let me grab some photos of that. I was super nervous for the ceremony, but I think I did good today left me wondering why wedding photographers charge so much. Like, I literally got to press a button and watch people dance, and I got to eat cake, and I even got a free meal. Like, today was awesome. I think I’m gonna Be a photographer from now on.