Title: State-by-State Analysis of Free Food Programs for Students: Breaking the Stigma and Ensuring Access to Nutrition

here are the states that are offering free food to their students many of them regardless of financial situation so in California all public school students can access free breakfast and lunch and a lot of cafeteria food that I’ve seen at these public schools is pretty good and so kids can go there if they forgot their lunch or if they’re still hungry now in California every school district has to offer it but in Colorado school districts don’t have to but if they do they will get reimbursed through the state Massachusetts Michigan and Minnesota all have programs like this but they slightly vary in like how it’s funded who’s offering it if the school has to offer it if they’re offering second helpings Mexico and Vermont also have policies many of these went into effect during the pandemic and then just became law a lot of other states have had bills proposed but not formalized yet let me know what your state does and if you’re in California do you take advantage of the free breakfast and lunches I think having it free to everyone takes away the stigma of having to qualify for free and reduce lunch really helps if a kid just accidentally forgot their lunch that day they have an option always in California teachers don’t get them free but when we had to buy them it was like three dollars and twenty five cents and it was a big lunch it’s a good portion