DIY Brake Replacement on a Ford Mustang: A Step-by-Step Guide

The brakes on the Mustang are absolutely cooked, so I got some new ones right here, so we can finally stop again now. Honestly can’t remember the last time I replaced these, so I’m sure it’s been a pretty good while. And other than them probably just being old, they make some horrible noises anytime I turn and stuff now, so it’s probably time to get them replaced now. Luckily, I’m just gonna Jack off this Jack, and that way the car will be lifted and I don’t have to use the lift and all that kind of stuff. Alright. Now that the wheels ready to come off, we have pretty good access. Hey, first problem. Not sure if y’all can see that, but this brake looks to be a little bit smaller than the one that’s in there right now. And the auto zone worker literally said, uh, I’m not sure if this is gonna fit your car. So, uh, yeah. And he proceeded to do zero research or anything and made me buy these. So they should work, I guess. I removed the two bolts on the bag. Now I’m having the pry with this giant crowbar to get the actual caliper loose from the bracket. Not sure why that took forever, but we finally got the caliper off. Now we can go ahead and check these pads out. Got my brake clue. I’m gonna go ahead and put it on the back of the actual pads and Obviously replace these clips that go up here as well. And obviously don’t forget to retract your actual piston so the new pads will fit in there. Okay, so the new brake pads are on. As you can see, those are super thick. Have the grease on there. When it comes to this, less is more. So that’s a good amount. Don’t go ahead and put the whole entire packet on one side. Next up is just slide the old brake caliper back onto the bracket and cover the pads. Just finished the side. I just noticed somehow the paint completely went away on this side, and I didn’t even put anything on there, so I have no idea how that happened. Anyway, time to put the wheel on and do the next side. Just like that, we got the brakes on both sides, and I think we finally got rid of that noise coming from around this area as well.