Unexpected Zodiacs: The Zodiac Signs of My Children’s Early Births

I just did a video where I showed all of my children’s Zodiacs. But here’s the thing. All of my children except one was born four weeks early. So none of my kids were born when they were supposed to be born, especially not in the month. And I’m a Leo. You guys were asking, why don’t I have any LEOs? I’m actually supposed to have two, and that’s these two. They’re both cancers, by the way. So Elijah was supposed to be born August 4th. Romany was supposed to be born July 26th. Neither of them came on time. He, being the first, kicked himself out at four weeks early. She was little under four weeks early. So, yeah, none of my kids were born on time except one. Can you guess which one decided to come on time?