Facing Financial Struggles at 46: A Tale of Choices and Consequences

You’re 46. How old are your parents? Um, in their. In their 70s. And you’re taking money from them? How does that feel? Cause I would feel disgusted, personally. Now, if it was to help you in a certain situation cause you’re going through a rough time, that’s different. But this is your choice. This is very much your choice. You are choosing this. Well. Well. Oh, come on. Well, it is kind of a rough time. I mean, I had. Yeah, by your choice? Well, not necessarily, because. What do you mean? You left your job? I did, but I actually had a plan when I left my job, which. Okay. Which if I would have followed it, I wouldn’t be. I wouldn’t be in the. you sat on your. For nine weeks. So what was the plan versus what happened? I was going to keep the. That five grand as a nest egg and then start driving Uber while I’m doing self tapes and applying and auditioning for roles. But that way I’d always be ahead. I’d have that five grand, be making 6:50 to 7:50 a week. It was gonna be great. So what. What happened after the nine weeks, what made you finally decide to. I get up from the couch, I. The. The. The gaming is a. It got to the same feeling I got when I was streaming. I, I had. And I was like doing or drinking. I felt like I. Had my fill of it and I couldn’t. It wasn’t. It wasn’t filling the void anymore. And I was like, plus, I need to pay rent, bills, and I’m not. I’m down to my last ministerial amount of money. Are you saying it? They had the same feeling of when you were drinking and stuff or tended to get like that. No, I wasn’t drinking. No. I’m so clean. Still clean and sober. Um, good. Happy to hear that. Yeah, thank you. Appreciate that. Appreciate that. But, um, I realize I need to start working. I need to start getting off my. And so I sold the PS five and the monitor. I mean, I didn’t make the amount of money back that I paid for it, but that’s something good. You know, I took that step. It is. This is like. That was. That’s like the worst. So it’s not really that bad. Okay, shut up. That’s not true. Sorry, but that’s not true. This. I mean, you literally. Okay, let’s look at the first document. And it’s not that bad. When that I can’t escape. Accept. I will accept. Hey, you got up and you tried to do something. That’s good. I will not accept borrowing $750 at 680% interest rate. I don’t think that is not that good. I, I will not accept that. That is not that good or not that bad. Sorry. Okay, well, what was I supposed to do? Just work like an adult? Like a human that’s 46. Well, I like a mature person, like a big boy. Okay, well, uh, I. I’ve been applying for jobs and. Okay, what do you mean? You said you’re Ubering and you’re trying to act. What do you mean you’re applying to job? Well, what does that look like? I’m putting in for part time work right now. Part time? Why part time? So I can supplement. I can still do Ubering and do part time. Why do you wanna do Ubering? You’re not making anything. The car you’re doing is insane, by the way. No, I know. And uh, I just, uh. You know, you gotta. You gotta follow your dreams, man. You only live once. And I, I, my body is wrecked. I’m not. I’m not delivering packages anymore. I’m not gonna drive around in the 985 degree heat. Uh, you’re right. You only live once. So sacrifice just in case you live longer. But if you die today, you won’t know that you sacrificed and didn’t live your dream cause you died. So may as well bet on the likelihood that you’re gonna live a while and make sure you actually have a chance for retirement. Cause you only do live once. And I’d rather you not spend the rest of that under a bridge, which is where you’re headed. Yeah, well, yeah, I’m not against your dream. We could have done this. We. If we sat down before you quit, we could Have literally come up with a good way to do it. I again am blessed to live my dream. I decided not to do this in a stupid way. I ain’t quit my full time job until I was able to do this full time. I know it’s different than acting cause acting’s relining these other gigs and you ate up your PTO, but maybe we’re finding different job strategies. But the Uber is clearly not working. 65% of your money or something like that came from either parents or payday loans. This is not working. Can we agree that this is not working? Um. Oh, well, I, but, but, but hold on, I can agree with that halfway, but. But part of it, why it’s not working is cause I’m not actually, I’m not actually getting out there and doing it. Doing what? Uh, driving. So. So, so, so, so. So maybe, maybe, maybe. How many hours a week are you driving? Oh, the last. I’ve slacked off this last month. What are you lazy? Why do you not care? No, I’m not lazy. You. But you would. no, no, no, no, no, no. What are you doing during that time? What are you doing during that time that you’re not driving? What are you doing? Honestly, as honest as possible. Oh, um, hats off. This is a big thinking exercise. Um, what am I doing? Yeah, um, applying for other jobs, auditioning, um, for Roles, come on. The whole time, literally the whole time that you’re not driving, watching YouTube. Sitting around doing nothing. Okay, there you go. So to be clear, you. Not so to be clear, you are borrowing from your mid 70 year old parents so that you can sit on your. In the end, that is how that has worked out. Selfish child, immature baby. That’s a little harsh. I don’t think so. Taken from your 70s, your mid seventies old parents, you can start taking from your tax advantaged retirement accounts at fifty nine and a/2 Social Security retirement age is mid sixties. They’re mid 70s. They’re well within where they should just be enjoying the good life. You’re taking from them so you can sit on your. You’re taking them for them so you could play PlayStation for three months. You’re taking for them so you can pursue your dream instead of allowing them to live theirs. Selfish child, baby. Immature. Okay, you disagree? How could you possibly. I don’t know. Grain of the beard is supposed to mean wisdom. I’m not saying it, um. I would say this is just. I mean, I. This is the first time. This is the first time I’ve been in this situation like this. I’ve never borrowed money from any of my family. Guess what? You are. But I am. So I wouldn’t call myself being childish. I’ve. I’ve worked my ass off my whole life. Where’s that let us? $200 in a retirement account and no money to our name. Payday loans so that we could. First time ever took out a payday loan? Doesn’t matter. Never done it before. You’re 46, you have a payday loan. You have no money. Retirement. I don’t care what has been. I don’t care if you made a bunch of mistakes in your life and you’re incredible right now. I would reward you for being incredible right now. I don’t care if you’ve been incredible your entire life and you’re doing horribly now. I’m gonna talk about how you’re doing horribly now, cause that’s all that matters. Why would we go and give hugs and high fives and blow bubbles and have rainbows flying all over the room for what happened 10 years ago? That’s not where we are. You’re taking from your parents who are in their mid 70s right now and borrowing payday loans because you don’t wanna get off the couch.