Building LRG: Transforming the Garage Space for T-Shirts and Cars + Giveaway Challenger Update

What’s going on guys? I’m here to give everyone an update on kind of the charger build, the giveaway challenger and what we’re gonna be doing with the garage and stuff. So as you guys can see, this is my garage. It is a two car garage, but there’s not really much room to work around the car unless the garage door is open. And there’s not even really much room to work back here. So ultimately the plan is to take my toolboxes, my two post lift, my air compressor and take that all over to my shop so I can split it in half, build a mezzanine and have enough space to work on t shirts and the cars all under one roof. And I don’t have to go between my house and my garage here at home. So a lot of people are also asking me what kind of lift I have in my garage. This is a Maxjax 2 post car lift. It doesn’t have a cross beam tower, so it’s low profile. You can fit it in your garage and this thing can lift literally to the ceiling. It’s got a 7,000 pound rating on it. And to be honest, it works pretty good. But like I said, you see we got the why body bumper for the giveaway challenger right here. We have all those panels, everything. I’d rather work on it in a garage in my shop and have a centralized space and Be able to have enough freedom to use the lift instead of having to rely on opening the garage and closing the garage. So throughout this week, I’m gonna be taking everything over to my shop, documenting the whole process of setting up LRG Lucky Racing Garage. And take you guys along for the ride.