Freedom on Wheels: My Journey to Explore the World in a Tesla Model 3

I’m done with probation, done with 19 years of prison, done with 3 years of probation, I’m free and clear and able to travel. And I’m taken off, given up this apartment and I’m gonna see the country and try to see the world. But here’s the thing, I gotta figure out how to do it. I don’t have the money to buy a van, so I’m gonna sleep in my car. And I wanna show you the setup I’m doing with my car, because actually ends up being a lot more convenient than I expected. This is a vehicle I’m currently going to be outfitting. It’s a 2018 Tesla Model 3 Long Range, which means I get about 300 miles to a charge. And if I go to a slow charging station, I can actually sleep while I’m charging. So that way I can do two things at once. So one of the things I love about it is because there is no motor, but there’s no engine. Rather, there’s a big space up here. So I’ve got this massive front area where I can put stuff. And they actually even make these coolers that fit right in there. But if I do a cooler, I think I wanna have it in the car so that when I’m sleeping or when I’m doing other things, I have ready access. But I think for parties or for other ideas, you can just have one here. That way you can reach In whenever you want and get things you need. So that’s a little bit of storage space. I’ll probably put dirty clothes, or I’ll put sports equipment or stuff that I need there, but stuff that I don’t need to get to while I’m in the car. Now, on the other hand, in the car, which didn’t wanna open for some reason, uh, I’m probably gonna put a cooler down here. So, like I said, I can reach and grab food, I can have water, I can have things that I need. But I can also use this whole space to have maybe dry food or things that don’t have to be kept cold. There’s not a lot of room under the seats, but maybe I can figure out a way to put something, um, up here. I think I’m gonna put, like, a duffel bag and a backpack. The things I need to be able to grab while I’m driving, or if I just wanna be able to grab and run out. Uh, now, additionally, we have. I have to open the, uh, glove compartment this way. So in here, I have a little bit of space. This is for the roof rack, and this is actually for the charger. I carry a breaker, so that way, if I go somewhere, there’s no charger around, but I can find a breaker box, I can just install that and do it really easily. But I have to figure out how To maximize packing stuff in. Now, in the back, this is where I see a lot of potential. So in this back area here, I think I’m gonna do stacking duffel bags, or I’m gonna do suitcases, if they’ll fit, I’m not quite sure. Or I might even try to build something, like build some kind of container. I can stuff these full of clothes, stuff these full of towels, stuff these full of things that I need. And, you know, I’ve got the umbrella. But again, I think that can go under the seat there. So I’m gonna try to use every little bit of space, including the space under the seats. You see, it’s a pretty big area. I can either just put one side down and then sleep back here, or more likely, come all the way around. I’m gonna put both sides down so that I have this big space. So I’m gonna obviously take these out. Uh, this is just a liner that I could leave in or take out, it didn’t really matter. But I can basically fit a queen size mattress right here, put some pillows here, and then when I’m not using it, just take it really easily and push it back up. It’ll fold in. It’s not gonna be like a real mattress, it’s gonna be like a foam roll out mattress. Um, also, I have to take the cowboy hat. This is gonna be a part of the journey, but It’s because I feel like I’m going out on my own, and everybody needs a cowboy hat when they go out on their own. And because somebody that I met gave me some really good advice. This was, um. It’s a younger person that I met, and she said that she travels, and she got really nervous about how she was gonna meet people and how she was gonna get to know people. But what she does is she always wears something really distinctive. She stands out. That gives people the opportunity to talk to her. That’s like an excuse to come up and say, hi, I really like your hat or your shoes or your boots. And it creates a distinctive brand. So I said, you know what? That’s a really good idea. So even though I felt a little weird or uncomfortable about wearing the cowboy but. Or the cowboy hat, think I’m gonna start wearing it. I think that as I go on this adventure, I’ll keep that. Keep it in the back of the car. But also, like, when I’m sleeping at night, this is folded down. Check this out. I mean, this is a massive space to put all kinds of stuff, to put food, to put drinks, put snacks, to put books, to put whatever. And then if you turn around, I can buy the package and I can actually watch Netflix on this screen. But what I probably do is just put a A laptop right there and watch it this way. But I can also bring a. A video game controller and plug it in, play video games on that screen. So it’s not really my thing. I found that video games aren’t actually that good for me. But if I want, I’ll have activities at night. And. Oh, the other thing I forgot to show you is that there’s a camp mode. And I love this so much. I can put this on camp mode. What it does, it’ll keep the AC or the heat running, so I can keep steady temperature all through the night. It doesn’t use a lot of battery. I can keep the lights on. So if I wanna have lights to read or to do other things, I can keep that on. And it also keep. It’s 12 volt powered. So that way if I wanna charge my phone or do something at night, I can just put camp mode on. Uh, it’s also good if you guys don’t know, there’s a dog mode. So you can have a dog in here. It’ll keep the air going. It’ll lock the door so the dog can’t open from within. So if I decide to get a dog on my journey, I’ve got that. But obviously I can turn it off and do something else. So we. Look, obviously we’re gonna have a mattress rolled up here, so there’s not gonna be a lot of space. One. Oh, This is, by the way, a blackout, uh, curtain that I can put around the inside of the car so that way nobody can see in at night. So I can start on a slow charger, put this up, and just kind of kick back and relax. Uh, but if you look down here, you’ve got some storage right here. Here’s my, uh, the traditional charger, you can plug into either 1:10 or 2:20. But then down here I’ve got this whole extra compartment. And you know, I don’t need this whole space to. To sleep in, obviously. I could sleep on just one side and store stuff on the other. I get out of all the way open and have bags back here. There’s, there’s plenty of space down here, there’s more storage. So that’s actually a Tesla home charger. And when I need somewhere, that’s a 50 foot cord. So as long as I’m within 50 feet of a breaker box, I can take that breaker that I have up front, I can connect it to this, and I can charge wherever I am and I can charge relatively fast. What I’m gonna do is buy one of those little electric pumps that’ll plug into the 12 volt thing. So that way I’m able to connect when I need to. So if you look, this is actually a pretty comfortable setup. At all the storage in the back, I’ve got all the storage in the front. I managed To have storage down behind the seats, like I said, I think either a suitcase or just a couple duffel bags that work really well. I can pack this whole front passenger seat full of stuff, so I’m able to carry a lot of things with me. And I don’t have a lot of things, you know, some of the sentimental stuff I’m just gonna leave with a friend or leaving somebody’s attic, like pictures or things from childhood. But for the most part, I don’t have a lot. You know, I can store furniture, I can store whatever, but, you know, I’ll bring some clothes, bring some sports stuff, maybe jiu jitsu stuff, maybe boxing or kickboxing stuff. I’ll probably bring a kettlebell and my weight vest, because I figure that’s the easiest way to get some kind of resistance training without having to have a lot of stuff. I mean, I’m obviously not carrying dumbbells. Probably also buy a Planet Fitness Black membership, because it’s 2499 a month, and I can use a Planet Fitness. Any Planet Fitness in the world. There are 25 of them. So I can go and I can get a workout. I can take a shower, I can do other things. Um, I’ll have my cooler. I’ll have a little camp stove. A buddy of mine actually said he already had one. It’s. It’s like new, unopened in the box. So I have a camp stove. Probably gonna try to get a table. Or something. And then up here, I have to look at. Get one of these rooftop things. Never done it before. I don’t know exactly what it looks like, but they’re. They look like they’re 500 bucks and a little hesitant to do that. But at the same time, getting one of those means I can have even more storage and not have it in the car. So I can have all kinds of things up there, and I can have more room in the car to do whatever I need. What I’m really thinking is I want, like, a table and a little tent so that I can be outside. I can have my cook stove, I can have my, you know, whatever it is that I’m doing to prepare food that I don’t wanna go out to eat. The whole point of this is to save money and have an adventure. So I wanna be able to go to the farmers market and get fresh produce and cook something. Or even if I do have ramen noodles, like, yeah, let me get some. Some fresh poultry or whatever from the farmers market, stir it up and then stick it in the ramen noodles or some fresh broccoli or the things that I like. And so I can see this really being a good adventure. And I know a couple people have gone across the country or even. I think multiple countries with a Tesla have the advantage of The slow chargers, where I can plug the slow charger in, I can go to sleep and wake up in the morning, and the car is charged. It’s just kind of great. And people always talk about the inconvenience. They’d rather be able to, um, just, you know, put gas in their car and go. But people expect Teslas to be at slow charging stations for hours. It’s not out of the ordinary. Whereas if you’re sleeping in your car somewhere else, people tend to think like, oh, why are they there? What are they doing? But at the Tesla station is taken for granted. Like, it’s assumed that, yeah, you’re gonna take a nap or you’re gonna play some video games or you’re gonna watch a movie. So that really does kind of give me an advantage at normalizing what I’m doing. These people still think it’s kind of weird to sleep in your car, but Tesla owners have been way ahead of that. Cause even on a road trip, they’re just, like, cool. Like, even if I didn’t want to sleep in the back, the front seat is really comfortable. I can put it almost all the way back and just chill out. So it’s. It’s always an option. I think I’m going to Arkansas first, and then I’ve got a speaking event here in Richmond, and then I’ve got a fashion show in New York, and I’ve got all the stuff I need to do, and it doesn’t Make sense to drive for all of it. To drive 16 hours down to Arkansas and then 16 back. So I might just fly some because then I can either I could take the car up to New York, but there’s nowhere to park it, or I can just take the train from where, basically where I’m gonna be staying in enrichment or in Charlottesville, and just go up so I can sleep in the car while I’m back. I can see people I know, I can probably crash on their couch or I can know, use their laundry. But then go up to New York, do that, and then take off from there and go out to Colorado. And I’m really looking forward to that because we go out and see some of my buddies. We’re gonna ride motorcycles. They’re a bunch of professional contacts about in Denver and Boulder that want to do non profit work together. And then from there it’s either go north up the Pacific Northwest. I got a place in Washington that I really want to stay this amazing year. Or go west and south and go to San Diego and meet my buddies and go down to Tijuana and then go up to LA and then Sacramento and Davis and do the whole coastal highway. I’ve always wanted to do the PCH. I’ve never quite managed to put it together, but I think this is my chance. Cause if I really decide to stick to This. I can buy a Starlink unit, a little bit of money, but I can have internet anywhere in the world. I can be in the middle of the desert where there is no connection, there is no cell signal, and have lightning fast internet. So I can make videos, I can stream, I can work. And that’s the good thing about this, is not giving up my job. I’m still running the non profit, I’m still having meetings, we’re still having our program, still providing mentors. So I’ll still be able to be involved in the world even as I was going across. But if I decide I want to stop and work from a national park for a little while. Cool. I have my table set up, my Starlink or my laptop, do my meetings, work on the book. One of the things I’m really looking forward to. And I really want to do that Pacific Northwest thing because I cannot imagine a better place to finish my book. I’ve got about 12,000 words left. Uh, then sitting in the middle of the Pacific Northwest next to the redwoods beauty and just that feel. So, yeah, I’m looking forward to it. This is gonna be my rig. I will give you updates and I will show you as I go. But I just wanna let you know this is, uh, where I’m gonna be living for the next little while. Uh, so I hope you enjoy the adventure.