Excitedly Cheer Me On: Just Give Me My Money!

Just give me my money. No, you have to be like, yeah, yeah. You have to be excited and like cheer me on. Okay. You want. You want to try so I can show you how to do it. Okay. Okay. Ready? Go. Just give me my money. Yes. Yeah. Okay, so it’s gotta be excited like that. Okay. Alright. When we do it, just give me my money. Yeah. Okay. Go. Just give me my money. You’re supposed to cheer. Okay, let’s. Let’s try it again. I think that one was just a little off. Okay, let’s try. Why? I didn’t do it right? I don’t know. Let’s just try it again. Ready? Just give me my money. Yeah, just give me the money. What? Guys, didn’t I do it right? Okay, one more time. Whatever. How do you do? I’ll just cheer anyway. Whatever. Okay. Just give me my money. Yeah, just give me that money.